Bhubaneswar: A campaignhas been launched to strengthenthe infrastructure for building anew Odisha, an empoweredOdisha through the Stategovernment’s rural orientedambitious scheme ‘Ama Odisha
Nabin Odisha’.This programme’sfocus will be on each panchayat,each village.On the fourth day of the
programme today, ChiefMinister Naveen Patnaiklaunched the scheme in Cuttackand Kendrapara districts through
the virtual mode fromBhubaneswar. Each panchayatwill get Rs 50 lakh.Rs 186.50 crore has beensanctioned for eight
constituencies of Cuttack district.These constituencies areBaramba, Choudwar-Cuttack,Banki, Athagarh, Niali, CuttackSadar, Salipur and Mahanga. Asmany as 5,351 projects will beimplemented in 373 grampanchayats in these
constituencies.Similarly, Rs 124.50 crore hasbeen sanctioned for fiveconstituencies of Kendraparadistrict. These constituencies areMahakalpara, Kendrapara,Patkura, Rajnagar, and Aul. Asmany as 3353 projects will be
implemented in 249 grampanchayats.Under this programme, thecultural base of Odisha will bestrengthened through thepromotion of Jagannath culturein every panchayat, developmentof every place of worship in
addition to the development ofdigital infrastructure. This will bethe base for building anaspirational Odisha. From ourstrong cultural foundation toreach the vast horizon of modernscience, new Odisha will spreadits wings further and reach newheights and we shall build newOdisha, Nabin Odisha.Speaking on the occasion, theChief Minister pointed out thatdevelopment of digitalinfrastructure in villages is oneof the objectives of this
scheme.He said that villages willget internet connectivity, scienceparks, skill development centres,works hub and banking facilities.”Primary schools will be alsoincluded in this scheme. It willbring immense opportunities to
our youths, women, farmers andstudents and will further brightenthe identity of Odisha as amodern, strong, progressive andculturally aware state,” he added.Chief Minister said thatdevelopment of all villages is our
goal. Culture will be protectedand modernity will be developedin villages. Everyone in the villagewill be guaranteed education andhealth. Developed village will bethe identity of modern Odisha,he added.
The Chief Minister said thatOdisha is the land of Jagannath.Universal love, peace, harmony,equality and service is themessage of Jagannath culture.Irrespective of caste, religion,community, it has made everyone
its own.”Under Ama Odisha NabinOdisha scheme Jagannath culturewill be preserved in everyvillage.Every place of worshipwill be developed. Heritage siteswill be preserved. Preservationand protection of these cultural
and heritage sites is essential forour future generations,” the ChiefMinister stated.He sought everyone’s
cooperation for the successfulimplementation of Ama OdishaNabin Odisha scheme whileexpressing that it will strengthenour infrastructure for anaspirational Odisha.There was large publicparticipation in the programmes
organised at the eightconstituencies of Cuttack districtand five constituencies ofKendrapara district for today’s
programme.While coordinating theprogramme 5T Secretary VKPandian said that thetransformation work has createdexcitement among the people.Ministers Atanu SabyasachiNayak, Pratap Keshari Deb, andRanendra Pratap Swain; MLAsSashi Bhusan Behera, SabitriAgarwal, Dhrub Charan Sahoo,Debi Prasad Mishra, Souvic
Biswal, Debi Ranjan Tripathi, DrPramod Mallick, Chandra SarathiBehera, Prasanta Behera, Pratap
Jena; Zilla Parishad presidents;members; Block Chairman, localsarpanches and othersparticipated in this programmethrough the virtual mode and
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